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Contact Communications Center



Welcome to the Caines Family Generations web site; I hope you found educational, entertaining and fun.   For that is the reason it was created.

The site was developed as a platform to provide information for family
members, hopefully bringing the family closer no matter where a
member may be located.  By accessing the site they become closer,
finding out what is going within the family, and hopefully providing
information about what's happening with them.

The success of the web site depends on you!  For every member
of Caines family, this is your platform which connects you with other members of the family; providing the family with information
about your life and what you want other members of the family to
know about: such as family accomplishments, weddings, births, and passings.

The contact communications center is where can provide information to the web site's Editorial Board (members of family which review
information that is published on the site).  The Editorial Board,
reviews information, verifies authenticity, makes suggestions about
contents and provide the information to the web master for
publication.   The Board is being organize at this time and hopefully
have a member from Virginia, Florida, and Bermuda/Atlanta.

Also at this time, the email addresses will not be active until August
2009.  Emails sent via addresses will be stored until the addresses
can properly set up and forwarded to correct members.

Thanks for visiting Caines Family Generations and feel free to notify us about corrections, submit information, request information, etc.

Remember this is your site ... keep it current, correct and fun



  • For Information about family events
    i.e. Engagements, Weddings, family accomplishments
  • Sometimes individuals are a little shy, and for whatever reason really don't like having their pictures splashed across the internet.  We understand your need for  privacy.  For that reason we will remove any image you request, no reason needed, just tell what image of yourself you want removed and it will be.
  • For contributions and / or give information to the Editorial Board